Dreaming and Lucidity: performance


Following the creation of the Dreaming and Lucidity sculpture, I performed a poem I had written and
sang, in collaboration with a collective of other artists.

Here In this place, where The veil between sleeping and waking, between Dreaming and lucidity Is pulled back

I listened for what was unseen

A rock began to roar with the noise Of an ancient ocean

And time was swept off its feet

I searched through a gaping absence for |Xam Who showed me circular shelters, Hugging the horizon

The wind transporting their stories from the stars

At dawn a current of Springbok moving Across the plateaus to their winter grazing

Chased by khaki-clad ghosts with guns

The seeds of the thorny new arrivals feed Flocks of sheep, jostling Liberated from the scars of iron fences

For days I spoke with the spirit of the Tankwa River,
Cracked into it’s dry clay bed

The cosmos is in swift movement


Here we all gather

Where the past And the present And the future Coalesce

Into Now