A walk in the ordinary that becomes extra-ordinary, shifting the axis of our gaze to notice what we
habitually perhaps do not notice, and imagine it to be different. We convene a small community of
travelers around a walk through the city: a gesture of devotion and care for urban space, to
highlight what, seemingly insignificant, thanks to our attention, is revealed and renewed. A
poetically inhabiting the margin, symbolically stitching it back together and recreating it, weaving
a web of small luminous actions. The world, even in its apparent ordinariness, dispenses exceptions
and contingencies, is capable of enchanting us. Every place has a potential for expression that we
call “wonder” and that provokes bewilderment, but wonder must be sought, evoked, also and above all
for its faculty to make us fall in love with reality again. Wonder is encounter, it is mutual
exchange between us and space, it is an experience of dense relationship with places and with what
they offer us. So we set out on a journey, in search of places and gestures, to think and create
dance scores, installations and objects, which exist only if someone or something is there to
observe, to listen, to touch their evanescence. https://collettivomicorrize.art/progetti/dentro-era-