Didier Ferment

Didier Ferment

Following his own artistic and personal path, often in collaborations, Didier Ferment has created a playful world to share with his audience. Over the past 20 years, he built a special relationship with the wind, which became his favourite medium for his artwork. He first started by creating kites, exploring movements and transparency in the sky, and designing a range of original flying objects. Then, he decided that the wind deserved to be heard so he made music instruments to capture and amplify its particular voice. This is where the artist becomes a messenger for what the nature has to say. Didier Ferment likes to call it a game with a child, capricious but also in constant evolution. His installations in gorgeous natural landscapes have always responded to the uniqueness of their environments, and prompted him to enrich his language. In his latest work -sometimes in collaboration with other “landArt-ists”- water, light, shadows and reflection all come to play their part in a dialogue between public and Nature.

Forms of art: aeolian music, aeolian cinetic art, kite, ...
Country: France - Country of origin: France - Email: - Website - Facebook

Arbre à sons
Ballet d'araignées d'eau
Orgue des fées
Voyage voyage
Water Flames