Jarek Lustych

Jarek Lustych

Amid a hailstorm of unbridled production, I’m embarrassed to add any new objects to this excess. Besides, imposing my autonomous creativity on the environment seems inequitable for me since I’m but a part of said one. That’s why with my work I usually explore existing entities. In my investigations I’m concerned with the elements of our everyday life which are scorned or ignored because of their commonplace unnoticeableness. It is this invisibility, with its hints of mystery and discovery, that I have always found the most alluring. My actions move them from murky background to the limelight, emphasizing their value. By adding my texts to a multitude of other visual texts, I enrich palimpsest structure of reality. Enhancing existing chaos, I intend to shake spectators out of the rut of everyday thinking and direct their attention to the hidden sense of events and ambiguity of the word. I’m eager to share authorship with the elements. They are not just a conventional context but they become an active component of piece of art. By using their unique properties, my projects try to manifest imperceptible aspects of the environment.

Forms of art: visual 3D, visual 2D, video, sound art
Country: Poland - Country of origin: Poland - Email: - Website - Facebook

Axis mundi
From nature & back
Hear us
Voice rehearsal